Review of Rage

Rage (2014)
Just watch Taken again.
26 April 2014
This was one badly made film. Boring dialogue, silly acting, and my god why did they cast such a young girl for his wife? It really was disturbing trying to believe that this girl who looked to be only a few years older than his daughter was the mom figure, let alone the weirdo factor of her being probably 25 years younger than an over makeup'd Cage. Every scene with his "crew" played out so silly and sounded like it was written by a 12 year old, I literally laughed out loud when I saw the big guy playing with his brass knuckles and punching the air, like what was the director thinking? Overall this is one crap sandwich of a movie, hopefully they will make a profit by casting Nicholas Cage because that's the only reason anybody will be watching in the first place. I sure hope he stops working with such turd laden films.
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