Deer Crossing (2012)
A True Atrocity
15 April 2014
This is literally the worst movie I have ever seen. Poorly unrealistically written dialog, odd cinematography and some of the worst acting ever seen in a film. The girl playing the FBI agent is a joke. She is quite obviously married to or dating the director because there is no way anyone would hire someone with no ability! As a matter of fact other than the likes of poor Ernie Hudson and Doug Bradley I would suspect that the entire cast was related to or close friends with this Christian Jude Grillo person. Not that it's something that really matters but really, drop the middle name. It's pretentious and makes you look like a 12 year old would be film maker who is trying to appear to be mature and important. Back to the "stars" in this film. Doug Bradley and Ernie Hudson had to have been tricked into doing this movie. There is no way that they saw this script, complete with dialog worded in a way that no one actually speaks) and still signed on to do it. It could not have been for the money since this film could not have cost any more than $500 tops.

This may, to some, sound like I have an ax to grind or some personal beef with this film or it's creator but that's simply not the case. What I do have a personal issue with is when someone scams me out of my hard earned money. I actually bought this catastrophe and never expected it to be this awful. It's funny but not the kind of funny that makes it one of those movies that are so bad that they become good, in a sense. No sir. It's funny in a pathetic sort of way. Funny that these people made this movie, and then released it, believing that it's a good film. Funny, again in a sad way, that someone actually invested money into it in order to get distribution for it. I suppose they sort of won though, didn't they? Poor fools like myself shell out the money to buy this trash so they win and we lose but it's a temporary win for them. It's temporary because it then falls into the "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" realm. I would never again purchase any movie created by Grillo nor any produced by or distributed by anyone connected to this film. And I am certain that I am not alone with this line of thinking. Therefor, the last laugh is on all of us poor fools who laid down the cash to buy this and we are laughing at those connected to it since it's the last time they'll get any of our money!

I do not participate in illegal movie downloading but I have to say that it's movies like this that lead people to illegally download it and other films like it. Why would anyone pay for such garbage once they've learned the truth about it? Now that may lead you to ask me "Why would anyone even wish to see it now that they've been told how awful it is?" and the only logical excuse I could find would be one that is similar to a car crash. As you drive my an accident you have a morbid curiosity that makes you crane your neck to take a look in an attempt to see how bad it all is. That must be why anyone else would now wish to see Deer Crossing, or any of Grillo's films, past, present or future, after learning that the guy cannot write nor direct a film?

In closing I'll just say that if you feel I was being harsh here I'd like you to know that I was actually quite kind. This is the less critical review of the two that I wrote for this "film". The first was far more detailed but I opted to play nice and go with what you have just read, because, although I may be blunt in life, I sometimes try to play it kindly and not blast with both barrels blazing. Perhaps I should have yanked that band-aid off quickly rather than the slow, more painful way that I've removed it here but hindsight is 20/20 and this has been written and so it shall stand.

One last note! I have read all of the comments and reviews on this page and the external reviews posted at the top as well. It's quite clear that many of the on-site reviews have been written by people close to those involved in the production. Perhaps family members and friends and also, and quite likely, written by the likes of the film's director and others on the cast/crew using pseudonyms.
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