Death Is Certain . Life Is Not
12 April 2014
Sometimes you watch something with the knowledge that the reason you're watching it is because you vehemently disagree with it . Take for example those rabid atheists who sometimes find themselves accidentally on purpose tuning in to The God Channel or SONGS OF PRAISE simply to have a laugh at the nonsense being broadcast by the manipulative to the naively gullible

" Hey you mean people like you Theo ? "

Yes indeed and it's amazing how far some people are willing to go to ignore rational logic due to their fear of death . This short documentary WE LIVE AGAIN is along the same lines involving the pseudo-science of cryonics

" Cryonics ? Weren't they in that Doctor Who story Attack Of The Cybermen ? "

That was the Cyrons but you can see even the name itself conjures up images of pulpy science fiction . Just to check I'm not misrepresenting anyone I did go on Wikipedia to see if there's any truth in cryonics and apparently 62 scientists have written an open letter saying it is . Most of these " scientists " have credentials that are somewhat dodgy in that they're doctors of philosophy rather than biologists . Likewise you have to take on board that no matter what scientific argument is being discussed there will always be a difference on opinion in the scientific community . The vast majority of scientists believe man made global warming is a certainty but there will always be dissidents on a scientific topic that disagree with the mainstream view so 62 scientists saying something is feasible is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the thousands of scientists in the world today

To be fair this documentary isn't a sales pitch for the Cryonics Institute . No one says " Don't worry about dying because if you give us a wad of money we'll preserve you and wake you up in a hundred years " and one of the directors does state that there's no certainty they can bring you back to life . It doesn't however go in to any detail as to how they can resurrect a dead body . Preserving a body is not the same as keeping someone alive . Death has already happened and death is the only absolute in life so it doesn't matter what killed that person because you're not trying the cure the ailment that killed the patient but death itself . It's not as simple as building a big boat to survive global warming and hoping you don't get stabbed by Ray Winstone , it's much more difficult than that . WE WILL LIVE AGAIN does manage to broadcast the website address of the Cryonics Institute and if you go on their website they'll scream and shout that " It's relatively cheap and not any type of scam or rip off no siree " so if you've the money and don't mind risking being torn from Heaven having to do another few rounds of the miserable existence of life then you might want to give it a go

As it stands WE WILL LIVE AGAIN is a relatively fascinating documentary no matter your own personal beliefs of what happens after death but its major failing is that it never asks the very obvious question - how do you cure death ? You can go on their official website and if you give them $28,000 they'll promise to resurrect you once death is cured . Here's hoping there's not a zombie apocalypse other wise you could have spent your twenty eight grand on cigarettes , booze , drugs and whores when you were still alive
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