The Jade Mask (1945)
"He reach oversize decision with undersized brain."
13 March 2014
Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) investigates the murder of a scientist in a spooky mansion. This is one of the better Chan films made at Monogram. There's plenty of atmosphere and the claustrophobic setting of the mansion helps keep the suspense up.

Thankfully, Mantan Moreland's Birmingham Brown character doesn't louse it all up with his fear of spooks and bug-eyed double takes. He's actually kind of subdued in this one, which I appreciated. No Benson Fong as Tommy Chan here (yay!) but also no Frances Chan (boo!). Instead, we get Eddie Chan (Edwin Luke). I forget what numbered son he is. He's about as exciting as watching paint dry. The part seems like it could have been pretty good with a better actor. Eddie's supposed to be a nerdy kid with long-winded textbook explanations for simple things. It could have been funny but in wooden Edwin Luke's hands, it's not. He recites a lot of his lines like he's reading them off of cue cards. Anyway, despite the presence of Eddie and Birmingham , it's still a watchable and often enjoyable Chan film. There's no jade mask anywhere in the movie, though.
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