The Ties That Bind (1994– )
I have a tape of the pilot
3 February 2014
As said in IMDb, "Tapes of the pilot were sent to households containing women between the ages of 18 to 34. The women were asked their opinions on the show for market research. The tapes were designed to erase as they played."

I was among one of those households and I have one of those VHS tapes. Yes, the VHS tapes were designed to erase while the pilot was being viewed. The sticker on the VHS stated something like, "Do NOT Rewind" so I knew something was up with it. I disassembled the VHS and removed the magnet before we watched it. They had put a magnet inside the VHS so that it would delete the tape after it had passed the heads of the VCR players. We watched it more than once and I hung on to that VHS all these years.

I commented back to whoever we were supposed to and I remember saying something along the lines of, "I wondered what ever happened to the Karate Kid." Maybe I wasn't alone with those thoughts and that was a reason the show never aired. Who knows.

I came across this VHS today (2/3/14) and was reminded of its existence. The internet has came a long way since 1994 so I wanted to see what I could find out about this and to see if there was any value.

Pretty cool, huh?
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