The Objective (2008)
Great Idea That Doesn't Work As Well As It Could Have
21 February 2014
Afghanistan November 2001 and the Taliban who have ruled the country under a jackboot for several years have been ousted . A CIA operative is embedded with an American special forces team and leads them on a secret mission in the South of the country . After a fire fight with the Taliban where several insurgents are killed the SF team are puzzled in finding the bodies of the dead have disappeared , almost as if they'd never existed

I've got to put my hand up and say I knew this was a cross genre movie before I watched it . If you're expecting a straight laced action thriller set in the 'Stan then you might be surprised as to where this is heading . Director Daniel Myrick does play up to the film being set in a very real time and place , giving the movie an almost documentary look with hand-held cameras and cinema verite style but this isn't how the film progresses

Foreshadowing is a difficult thing . Play your hand too soon and the audience might be one step ahead of the characters and boredom sets in , play it too late and the audience will feel cheated so the writers deserve some credit in keeping the audience intrigued . I did have a rough idea where everything was heading and was still interested , though wasn't entirely gripped . Some credit too for bringing in a little bit of past history to Afghanistan involving Alexander The Great's ill fated expedition to the country and the reference of the British retreat from Kabul in the 19th Century . A graveyard of empires indeed

Everything's chugging along nicely and THE OBJECTIVE is a engaging little horror/war film with some good locations and a small non star cast . The problem lies in the last five minutes which I had difficulty in understanding . Again it's not down too much or too little foreshadowing but the fact it remains unexplained which diluted my enjoyment of the film slightly which I was enjoying up to this point
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