Absolutely amazing and heart warming -from a JB hater
6 January 2014
i was never ever a fan. but, but then i watched this movie, believe. Justin Bieber is such an amazing and inspiring young man. this movie is amazing, just like Justin. after 4 years of hating Justin Bieber, i can honestly say that he is an amazing person with such a big heart, I'm a fan. his kind heart moved me. he has encouraged me to follow my dreams. now that i no the truth about Justin Bieber, and how the media has created a Justin Bieber that doesn't exist, i look up to him. if you hate Justin Bieber, i say you watch Believe, it changed me, so it might change you. You could defiantly say I'm a fan, and congrats Justin for all your hard work! you do not deserve all this hate. So I cant believe I'm saying all this. i am going home, downloading journals, believe and my worlds because now I no, the Justin Bieber i used to hate, isn't such a bad guy xxx
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