Mr. Ed of the sea
28 November 2013
This film takes me back many years to when I had an argument with a cousin who was into all things aquatic and he wanted to see this film. Being two years older and more mature about these things I scorned seeing The Incredible Mr. Limpet at the time when it was first out.

Well almost fifty years later I can admit I was wrong. The Incredible Mr. Limpet which seems to have a dopey premise is a really charming mixed live action animation story which Don Knotts is perfectly cast in. And what's wrong with a film where a man achieves his life ambition, in this case to be a member of the piscatorial community.

Don Knotts plays Henry Limpet, a shy bookish sort that years before Danny Kaye would have played who has all kinds of ailments including bad vision that keep him out of World War II, at least as a human. One day out at Coney Island, Knotts falls off the pier and drowns. Drowns as a human, but through an unseen power returns as a most unusual Mr. Ed kind of fish.

Knotts keeps his nearsightedness and the glasses he wore as a human as well, but he's developed a kind of sonic blast that keeps predators like sharks away. It all proves most useful to the US Navy because even though Don Knotts is a fish, he's patriotic American fish.

Carole Cook plays his frustrated wife and Jack Weston, Knott's best friend and man ready to catch Cook on the rebound as Knotts seems more interested life under the sea than the motion of the ocean with Cook.

Despite these sly adult innuendos, The Incredible Mr. Limpet is a nice family film that holds up well after half a century. And Knotts finds true love in the ocean and by now there are untold thousands of Limpet fish in our sea world.

At least I hope so.
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