The JJ Abrams syndrome
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Everything this man does has the same problems. He simply has no idea how to properly tell a story. He just comes up with some ridiculously complicated plots that somehow seem to go absolutely nowhere and then simply end. He has no finesse for pacing and his obnoxious multi-million dollar CGI visual style doesn't suit Star Trek at all. I'm worried to see what he'll do with Star Wars... This movie simply has nothing going for it apart from some pretty visuals and a nicely menacing performance by Benedict Cumberbatch. Just like with Super 8, the character development sucks, the plot line is stupid and the ending just made me go "Seriously? That's it?" Up until that point it was okay. I liked the plot of the people in the missiles and the attack on the Klingon. It was a bit confusing but I think it made sense. However some of the techonological aspects of the film are really silly. For one thing, the Enterprise is seen taking massive amounts of damage even though the shields are still up. Scotty somehow disables their weapons from within the bowels of the ship, and not only does nobody go down there to try to turn them back on, nobody really does anything. It's a huge plot convieniency when the Enterprise is always seconds away from being annihilated, and then the enemy's weapons get disabled. This happens twice in a row. The missile detonation inside the Admiral's ship just happens to destroy their weapons. Then the whole Kirk sacrificing himself in the reactor thing was supposed to be moving but since you know he's probably going to get resurrected pretty quickly (Hint: Khan's blood can resurrect people") there's no emotional weight to it whatsoever. Also how did the warp core get out of alignment anyways? And how did Khan's ship only start falling from the sky AFTER the Enterprise was saved? And why crash the ship and take off on foot to attack Starfleet command? (Which would have been cool but never ended up happening.) Why not crash the ship and initiate a warp core breach to destroy basically the whole city? That would have been cool. The movie should definitely have been longer and had more gravity in it's climax. Instead we get Spock chasing Khan for about 10 minutes, Uhura stuns him, and Spock somehow knocks him out with an uppercut even though he's basically invulnerable. Khan gets frozen and stowed away somewhere. Kirk gets resurrected and they fly off into space. LAME. I want to see more of Khan!!! KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!! Oh yeah that line made the reactor scene that much lamer.
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