Third Contact (2013)
An honest-to-goodness slice of originality.
12 October 2013
That this film was made for just £4000 puts the entire 'Hollywood system' to shame. With Third Contact, first-time writer/director Simon Horrocks has created an experience far superior to most big-budget fare available in cinemas today. An excellent central performance from Tim Scott-Walker anchors this noir-ish tale of a depressed psychotherapist desperate for answers. Mainly black and white - with occasional splashes of colour - sound, music, creative camera angles and strategic editing are all used to conjure the necessary atmosphere to stunning effect. The characterisation is sublime, as the script never rushes but instead, takes you slowly yet purposefully on a journey to the most unexpected and thought-provoking places. This dark film is a welcome ray of light amidst the fog of predictable, safe, homogenised, junk food that crams our multiplexes month in, month out. It is an honest-to-goodness slice of originality, made with nothing more than a hand-held camcorder. Pay attention, Hollywood. The winds of change are stirring.
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