The New Chick Flick Formula
25 September 2013
Director Garry Marshall delivers what Hollywood thinks is the new chick flick formula. Take a holiday, add a whole bunch of stars, and put them in separate plot lines that are related in the least important ways. This one is set on New Year's Eve in New York city. Kim (Sarah Jessica Parker) is the concerned single mother of Hailey (Abigail Breslin) who wants to kiss the boy at midnight. Chef Laura (Katherine Heigl) is cooking a corporate New year's Eve party, and her ex Jensen (Jon Bon Jovi) is singing at the party. Ingrid (Michelle Pfeiffer) quits her job and asks Paul (Zac Efron) to help fulfill her resolutions.

I could keep go on for a half dozen more plot lines. There is one where Randy (Ashton Kutcher) who gets stuck in an elevator with Elise (Lea Michele). At least they seem to have some chemistry. This is not a good movie. It's a sad day when this calculated series of movies continues. This is a formula that deserves to die.
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