Mary and Max (2009)
chocolate hotdogs....
13 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A homely, friendless Australian girl picks a name out of a phone book and writes to him, and sends a chocolate bar.

She's Mary, the only child of an alcoholic mother and a distracted father. He's Max, living alone in New York, overweight, subject to anxiety attacks.

He writes back, with chocolate. Thus begins a 20-year correspondence, interrupted by a stay in an asylum and a few misunderstandings.

Mary falls in love, saves money to have a birthmark removed and deals with loss.

Max has a friendship, and tries to control his weight....

This is an oddity of a film. At first glance, I didn't think I was going to enjoy it. The animation is thoroughly depressive throughout, and Humphries narration grates a little.

But as the film progresses, you find yourself falling in love with the titular characters, and really hope that they meet come the end.

You feel Marys desperation when she upsets the Aspergers suffering Max, and hop all seems lost, when he sends her the typewriter letter.

Believe me, come the end of the film, you will be crying like a baby, because its probably the saddest ending to a film I have seen in a very long time.

So all in all, it's a wonderfully written film, which starts off a little slow, but all of a sudden, you really get lost into the two characters.
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