I don't care what you say...I love this film
23 July 2013
My roommate in college told me we needed to rent this movie (VHS) because she thought it was hilarious. Needless to say, it became our room movie and decided to buy it because we rented it every month. Everyone who visited us had to sit through this movie at least once. The movie never got old for my roommies and I but we just liked that we could all put ourselves in the characters shoes when it comes to relationships. Yes, for you movie aficionados out there, those who rated this movie as horrible, it seems like this movie was made for fun and that's how we, who enjoyed the quirkiness of the movie, see it.

Funny story...years later while attending one my friend's stage show in Hollywood I actually met Arye Gross and I told him how it was our mascot movie for our dorm room. He looked at me funny and even he said that the movie was crap and couldn't believe he met someone actually liked it. I just had to let him know that we appreciated watching the extreme relationship journey between two people because we all have in some ways experienced each movie character's "dilemma".

I would say it is like reality TV with a script and bad improv in the 90s. Seriously? Like we don't see this stuff on reality shows now.
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