Holy Motors (2012)
What if God was one of us?
18 July 2013
Easily one of the most bizarre films ever made, Holy Motors is the story of a man named Oscar who travels in a limo apparently stepping into peoples lives and existing in a few moments as them. The limo's license plate has 'DXM' on it. He is a deus ex machina, showing them the truths of their lives and allowing their souls to grow. Is he God? An angel? Who knows. But what I love about this is that there's beauty in every segment, no matter how disturbing or dark it may get. I can't even pick a favorite part. Every scene is jaw-dropping in some way, and it all lingers in my mind still, sometimes chilling, sometimes beautiful but always mesmerizing. The visuals are especially impressive. And it's not just weird for weird's sake. A lot of it fits together thematically if you're willing to do a bit of thinking. It's like seeing a gallery of surrealist paintings come to life in front of your eyes. It's a bit reminiscent of Dali's Un Chien Andalou, which at first glance appears to make no sense until you understand the symbolisms used. Holy Motors is about many things, growing souls, sexual freedom, man's separation from nature and the truths that lie within the collective unconscious. But I don't really want to get into my own personal interpretation here. Just watch and marvel at the beautiful weirdness of it. It's a complete acid trip. If you like this sort of thing, I recommend this as more than just a film, but a bit of drugless consciousness expansion. Our lives are about to change for the better...
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