Review of Glass Trap

Glass Trap (2005)
Oh man, this movie rules!!!!
4 July 2013
You got to see it to believe it. What a cool flick this is. I got a huge kick out of it. Its damned funny...The ants are freaking hilarious and Stella Stevens is a hoot. Find a copy of this will never regret it man. Some of the jokes are so bad you will laugh even louder than if they were good. Especially the one about the duck. This is what all movie makers should aim for...genius without logic. No one normal would think of making this movie. Its genius I tell you. Run, don't walk and seek out this chalice of cinema wonderfulness immediately. It will cure you of many ills, including bad breath.

OK, after a second viewing, I recommend this even more. C Thomas HOwell is an acting marvel. His portrayal of a janitor is dead on. Hope he works his way up to master janitor someday!!!
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