SLC Punk! (1998)
Punks and posers
17 June 2013
"SLC Punk!" is the charming story of Steveo and his pal Heroin Bob (who does not actually due heroin), two hardcore anarchist punks in the unlikely setting of Salt Lake City, Utah. To anyone who's grown up different outside of the hip big cities, I think this movie will strike a chord, even if your scene wasn't punk rock.

The setting definitely works to this movie's advantage. The punks are at constant war with the rednecks (which includes the police) and rivals of the Mods. The beer run to Wyoming and soul-searching trips to the salt flats are some of the real highlights of the movie and elements that take advantage of the setting in Utah.

The movie is shot in a stylish, fourth-wall breaking style. I found it to be extremely reminiscent of Trainspotting, which came out a few years earlier. It doesn't do so well in comparison with that particular movie, which has funnier laughs, much more dramatic lows, a crisper plot, more dynamic use of music... and so on.

This is hardly to say "SLC Punk!" is a bad movie, it is completely worth a watch, especially if you have any affinity for punk rock or being a social outsider.
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