Home Sweet Home (III) (2013)
Intriguing take on the "Home Invasion" Genre
26 May 2013
"Home Sweet Home" is nice take on the "Home Invasion" genre. The film is structured quite differently than most other horror films. The beginning of this film is a lengthy and quite creepy sequence where the villain breaks into the home, checks it out, and settles in for the evening. There is real tension for the return of the owners and they do show up -- a young married couple coming home after an evening at the theater. They settle in briefly and then the uninvited guest makes his appearance known...

"Home Sweet Home" is way more effective than you'd expect. Part of it is the structure -- unlike many horror film, it doesn't spend 45 minutes making us try to know the victims. I know filmmakers to this in an attempt to make us like the victims and not want bad things to happen to them, but all too often it just makes them annoying. This film does it right -- the entire home invasion concept is enough to make us fear for the couple, and when they prove, after a brief time, to be a pleasant enough couple then BAM! It's on!

Lots to like about this flick. Unlike so many horror films, this film is well-lit and you can clearly see everything that is happening. The acting is outstanding all around. Much of the film is centered around the psycho versus the wife, and the actors nail it. Shaun Benson, in a virtually silent role, is creepy as the invader. And Meghan Heffern is wonderful as the terrorized wife -- you can really feel the fear. Many of the questions that you think are going to be left dangling are answered in a clever ending, so that means that from its creepy unconventional beginning to its shocking ending "Home Sweet Home" is a success.

Greatest flick ever? Nope. But definitely worth checking out.
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