Midnight Bayou (2009 TV Movie)
The Vidiot Reviews
7 May 2013
Midnight Bayou

The most annoying aspect to reincarnation is switching over all of your identification.

Unfortunately, the returning soul in this made-for-TV-movie has to change more than just his name.

Despite his Eastern education, Boston lawyer Declan (Jerry O'Connell) is drawn to New Orleans and purchases a plantation to renovate.

Around town he meets a local, Lena (Lauren Stamile), whom he is inexplicably attracted to.

As the renovations continue, the mansion's history unravels its self to Declan via vivid flashbacks of a former female resident's murder.

Desperate for answers, he seeks the wisdom of Lena's grandmother (Faye Dunaway), a voodoo priestess with past life experience.

However, the spiritual truth that Declan seeks will change his life forever.

A more mystical love story than what Nora Roberts is known for, this adaptation of her novel muddles in mediocre acting but surprises in the shock-ending department.

Incidentally, when you're reincarnated in Louisiana, 9 times out of 10 you come back as a crayfish.

Yellow Light

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