The next best thing to actually taking your mum on a road trip
21 April 2013
Nice movie with strong, likable actors. I'd call it a holistic movie, it's so complete. The only thing missing from the movie is the point. Why on earth would I want to see another middle-aged man take his dear mom on a road trip? Marveling at why I don't take my mum on a lengthy cross-country trip in an uncomfortably small car hasn't really kept me awake at night. I'm not surprised that it might get awkward. Coz it's her motherly duty to make me feel awkward. My job is to stay the feck clear of her. That's called son-mom-dynamics. Unlike Andy, I did study on the other end of the country to get as far away as possible from my parentals. The quality of the institution had nothing whatsoever to do with it. If I'd had the choice to either study brain surgery in my mum's basement or to attend the Compton Council College for assistant janitors on the other coast, my job would have been as clear as a spring day in the Mohave. That's maybe not very nice, but it sure is healthy.

Also, the movie is predictable. When the Southron gentleman introduces himself to Joyce, we KNOW she won't get to meet her puppy love object in Frisco. And I was waiting all through the movie for Andy to finally drink his cleanser, knowing that this would be presented in the movie as a brilliant selling point, which it isn't.
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