I want a dancing Pepsi can........
12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tibet, a young boy with mystical abilities, demonstrates his power by reviving a dead bird, which is to become a constant companion.

However, a band of villains break into the hidden temple and takes the boy away. Some time afterwards, a young woman named Kee Nang watches a TV show in which Chandler Jarrell, a social worker looking for a missing child.

She tells him that he is the chosen one, destined to save the child, and be the Saviour of all mankind.

But Jarrell disbelieves the mysticism, but finds more and more evidence of demon worship as he starts investigating.....

This was one of Murphys last films where he was classed untouchable. Every film he starred in before this was box office gold, and this film is basically Axel Foley in a silly hat. and it works for the most part, until you relate it to Big Trouble In Little China.

The film goes down the same route as that one, melding Indiana Jines adventure, with constant homages to Asian movies of yesteryear.

Murphy is as good as always, funny and with bags of improv, but the film has dated badly, and doesn't seem as good as when first saw in the late eighties.

But it's all flashily made, another showcase for the star, which gets a little lost whenever he is not on screen, and quite a dark film for younger viewers.

It's still watchable fluff though, but I feel if this were remade today, with another star, it wouldn't have the oomph factor it did back in the day.
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