Broken Roads (2012)
A gem, an unexpected treasure!
10 April 2013
Okay so I was on here and heard of this film, read the reviews here on IMDb, which I understand are from most people who are in the business and it seemed like everyone either loved it or hated it. Personally I am always curious to see if it really is as bad as some people try and make the film to be, you sometimes have to thing, did these guys have a personal vendetta against the film, cause who has time to write such a long hateful review. But never the less I proceeded with caution. I am glad I still watched it because I feel like I struck gold.

I also realized that those who gave it a negative review didn't see the masterful craftiness that Chambers' put into it, from music, to shots, to the writing. Everything was so seamless it felt so simple it almost was masterful. This isn't your get it quick film. It is carefully structured and well written to. It's life as we know. I feel like maybe these guys below were looking for your polished Nicholas Sparks film or Lifetime movie and they were miss guarded. Because this film has some powerful lessons to teach us all if you stop and take the time to understand what the story is saying and telling you. Also I looked Chambers' up and he practically did everything on this film and that is astonishing for how young he is. I see great things for him in the future, he has a new fan!
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