Review of The Comedy

The Comedy (2012)
Current US Gross $ 9,000
28 March 2013
You may like it, but you'll be on your own. This is some lazy, aimless, but most of all, boring film making. Working from a treatment and not a script meant that it was largely improvised and like any improv... sometimes it's interesting and sometimes it's just actors self-consciously searching for things to say. In this case they always try and find something potentially offensive , then kick it around until it's long past examination. Initially I genuinely I thought they were some group bond by their autism or something. I'm sure it was great fun to make, they used real alcohol in boozing scenes and real black guys to offend in the bar scene .Check the trivia notes. It's likely you'll have to watch it on DVD or TiVo, unless you have a very open-minded movie theatre near you which doesn't mind losing money. Because of this there are parts you will fast forward. Once they set up in a scene, that's it, that's all you're gonna get. Spoiler.. Man looking a girl in bed... that's it, three minutes... watch it fast , or watch it slow.. I broke at the 30 minute mark...see how far you can get !

And what the hell is LCD Soundsystem doing there anyway ?

Written by David Tuck : Edited by Nicole I. Ashland
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