Man And Machine Work Together In A Fruitful Collaboration
22 February 2013
"Odinnadtsatyy" ( The Eleventh Year ) was directed by the documentary maker and film theorist Herr Dziga Vertov in the silent year of 1928 in order to commemorate, not the tenth but the eleventh anniversary of the October revolution ( Germans also very much like to celebrate Oktober but in a very different kind of way… ).

In Herr Vertov's oeuvre there is a special fondness for showing the hard labor of his countrymen in industrial production to strengthen the U.S.S.R. economy and turning their country into a world power. The 11tth anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution was a perfect excuse for Herr Vertov to put in images his artistic recurring allegories and national patriotism.

So consequently in "Odinnadtsatyy" there are a lot of pistons, cylinders and machines that rattle, clatter and whirl, composing a hypnotic industrial symphony that forms part of the score of the construction and modernization of a powerful U.S.R.R.. In some ways this is very repetitive and certainly monotonous as is hard industrial work in real life (At least according to what this Herr Von has heard since German counts really know nothing about such a subject…). Workers are the main actors of the film and we see them laboring in power stations, cooperatives or mines in the Ukraine, all under the inspiring influence of Herr Lenin who is shown in one shot. Man and machine work together in a fruitful collaboration.

"Oddinnadtsatyy" is full of Herr Vertov's characteristic artistic style and brilliant editing, all in the service of shameless propaganda which has the sole purpose of lifting the nationalism of the Soviet people, a goal that certainly is achieved for supporters and followers of the Bolshevik cause, ja wohl!.

And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must celebrate the 100th anniversary of one of his Teutonic and rich heiresses.

Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien http://ferdinandvongalitzien.blogspot.com
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