13 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will be completely honest - I'm a guy and I watched this film in the hopes of being titillated.

But once I realized it clearly wasn't that kind of film I kept going in the hopes of a solid drama. Unfortunately it was far from it.

THE GOOD This film did make me look beyond my stereotypical lipstick lesbian fantasies and have some insight into the everyday life of gay women. This was mainly through the social scenes with groups of characters discussing their own lives and activities.

The basic premise and the characters themselves were easy to grasp.

THE NOT SO GOOD. It didn't really offer any insight into whether or not gay women face similar challenges or prejudices in life to gay men.

There are some glaring inconsistencies in the plot. The main one being: how did such a strait-laced, inhibited and unhappy main character come to have a circle of younger friends who seem to be openly gay, deeply in love and very chilled out.

I guess it's fair enough to include a dislike of men in a lesbian film if you make one, but I wasn't aware that a general disregard for men was part of being a lesbian. There's not a good guy in the whole film. Rebecca's husband is cartoonishly evil in his treatment of his wife and daughter. Her sons are weak-willed lackeys. Paris' lost love is annoyingly upbeat, vacant and sets off a major gaydar alert. Other men are users of prostitutes. All in all it changes the tone of the film from pro-women to anti-men.

Uneven storytelling. Rebecca's 'will she, won't she' vacillating over meeting a female prostitute is drawn out to a ridiculous degree. The surreal scenes where Paris goes away inside her head don't fit with the rest of the film. The scenes with the brassy madam of the escort agency don't seem necessary at all. etc. etc.

Lack of chemistry Rebecca is so tense, unhappy and painful to be around that it sets your teeth on edge. Paris is so drugged up on loss that she seems to be sleep walking through life. Opposites attract, but in this case the characters and the way they are portrayed create a chasm that plausibility can't cross. It also leads to a total lack of passion. I never thought I would be capable of watching with complete disinterest as two beautiful and naked people (women or not) made love. But that's what happened.

In conclusion, I'm stunned at the high scores some people have given here. I can only conclude they must have been involved in the production, because on any objective level this is not a good, or entertaining film.
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