Life Is Ours (1936)
Faux Goose? or Proper Gander?
16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's probably fair to say that only historians and/or history students will have any interest in this title today and it's equally impossible to view it as it would have been viewed when it was topical - although even then it wasn't released in the accepted sense of the word. The overall feel is of a documentary rather than a feature film and a biased documentary at that, not that it pretends to be anything else and as an end credit has it the film was produced by the Communist party. Produced the same year the Front Populaire won the general election in France the film embodies the main credo of the Populaire Front, that of workers banding themselves into 'collectives' and sorting out the social evils at a strike ... oops, sorry, at a stroke. Just about everybody and his Uncle Max worked on it and you know what they say about things produced by committees ...
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