The Confessional (II) (2009)
Twisting and turning for the best
6 November 2012
The Confessional is one of those movies that creeps up on you. The main actor, Peter Quartaroli plays creepy very very well in this movie. You could cut the tension with a knife in so many scenes. You really have to keep an eye on this guy, as you never know what is going to happen with him, and what could happen next! He has such a great performance in this movie, and he has the whole creepy thing nailed down perfectly. It would be great to meet this guy in real life, just to see the differences in how his everyday character is, and how different it is from what we see in this film. I like the direction and acing in this movie as well. It was great to see an actor (James Cotton) take on the huge responsibility of both writing AND directing, and pull them off so well. I wish him well on his future projects. I hope to see more great work from this man in the future! This movie has it all, and I encourage everyone reading this review to go check it out as soon as they can! I will definitely eat better now that I have seen this movie- Soup is strength!
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