A blast in the past
2 July 2012
Four men, each with reason to be unsatisfied with the state of their lives in 2010, get into a hot tub and are transported back in time to 1986. Three of the men will relive one of the most memorable weekends of their lives. Not memorable for particularly happy reasons though. Meanwhile the fourth guy, the young nephew of one of the other three, has to ensure the group doesn't screw up the space-time continuum and erase him from existence. Because in 1986 he hadn't been born yet. And then he runs into his mom. And there's Crispin Glover! Why it's just like that other time-travel movie! Well no, this movie is not nearly as good as that one. The movie's title should be enough to let you know that this is not meant to be taken particularly seriously. This is just about having a little fun. And in that aim this movie succeeds.

So the setup is rather silly. Really, the whole movie is rather silly. But silly can be entertaining. The laughs come, if not fast and furious, at least consistently enough to keep you entertained. And while the movie certainly has its vulgar moments it never takes it too far. The movie goes right up to the edge but never quite over it, enabling it to maintain its charm. Yes, charm. A movie titled Hot Tub Time Machine actually has some charm to it. In addition to making you laugh the movie actually makes you feel for each of the four main characters and sympathize with the dilemmas with which they are faced. Yeah, it's just a silly comedy but it does have a little heart to it. And each of the actors does very well with their respective parts. John Cusack is more or less the straight man, his character of Adam the most buttoned-down and mundane of the group. Clark Duke plays Adam's nephew Jacob, tasked with trying to rein these guys in and get them all back to 2010 before he ceases to exist. Craig Robinson is very funny playing the would-be musician Nick. And the real standout is Rob Corddry playing the alcoholic train-wreck Lou. All the actors have their moments but Corddry definitely gets the biggest laughs. There's also Chevy Chase playing a mysterious, eccentric hot tub repairman. Speaking of eccentric, there's the aforementioned Glover playing a bellhop facing a grisly destiny. And Lizzy Caplan playing a girl you'd love to have a future with if you weren't stuck in the past. These supporting players add to the mix but it's really all about our gang of four. It's their story. Yes it's a silly story but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable. Don't take it seriously. Don't think too much about the goings-on because there are plot holes big enough to drive, say, a DeLorean through. Just enjoy it. It's a great 1980s nostalgia trip. Poison! ALF! A black Michael Jackson! And it's a movie that makes you laugh and keeps you smiling. Sometimes that's all you can ask. When a movie is titled Hot Tub Time Machine there is no pretense about it. It is what it is. What it is isn't bad at all.
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