A Unexpected Stand Out
28 June 2012
The film "An Insignificant Harvey" is a thought provoking twisted tale, with a positive look on a unconventional story. This film was as "indie" as I was hoping, and surprisingly had quite a lot of comedic undertones. Found myself laughing quite a lot. The acting was impeccable. I am taking my view on "little people" actors as a wonderful change as a leading man in a film. I am captivated when the vulnerabilities of people are so well understood and portrayed, this film did just that. With out making everything "perfect" in the end it was real in the end. I have seen this film 3 times and enjoyed it even more every time I watched it. If you are sick of the cookie cutter"romantic comedies" and over emotional "Dear John" movies then this is right up your ally something totally different and surprising. This film made the top of my list.
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