Utterly dreadful
25 March 2012
Absolutely horrible movie, only Manos the Hands of Fate is possibly worse. There are numerous scene jumps due to bad editing, it is badly overacted by the Z-grade actors, the story line is completely loopy, there's the never-ending guitar riff / dramatic piano pounding, oh I could go on but what's the point? Maybe you like movies with 3 foot tall puppet spiders, whacked-out bar dances by spider women, grinning midgets, and crazy scientists called "Dr. Aranya". Well if this motley cast of characters sounds like something you can't resist, then by all means watch The Mesa of Lost Women. Otherwise use those 80-some minutes of your life doing something more entertaining, such as clearing the dead leaves out of the gutter, or cleaning the oven, or getting a prostate examination done.
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