Review of The Task

The Task (2011)
A horror-bull mistake
10 March 2012
The premise shows promise. Take a very spooky place where a bunch of game show participants choose to spend the night for major cash prizes, make a creepy TV reality show of it, and then introduce a couple of plot twists just when you are collecting your things together ready to leave. Had any single one of these things been done well then the others would not have mattered, but, regrettably, the whole film is poor.

It is not spooky, it is not scary, it is not even well done, and in places it is just plain silly. There are continuity problems, poor script, poor editing, and just poor acting, aside from the opening five minutes where there is at least some energy and verve. But once we are into that time when you just want it to lift off the film reveals that you have already seen the best it has to offer. And you hope that whatever twists there are to come they'll be signposted somewhere if you watch carefully. Unfortunately for this film its twists try to redeem a dying film when the kindest thing would have been to put it out of its misery.
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