Girl Missing (1933)
Pleasant programmer
21 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
For a 1933 movie, "Girl Missing" has surprisingly advanced camera work, and for a 68-minute movie, it has a surprisingly intricate plot. Glenda Farrell and Mary Brian make a good team of amateur sleuths, their somewhat contrasting styles working to their advantage; Brian is softer, sweeter, more romantic, Farrell is tougher, faster, more aggressive. Brian's smile should be enough to brighten even the gloomiest day, and Farrell's rapid-fire line delivery here probably contributed to her getting the "Torchy Blane" role a few years later - another amateur sleuth with a great crime-solving instinct. "Girl Missing" is no great shakes, but it passes the time pleasantly enough. **1/2 out of 4.
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