Review of Infestation

Infestation (2009)
Undistracting giant insects
13 January 2012
This sounded goofy and I really didn't want to watch it but I did, and was pleasantly surprised by it.

Despite it being a small movie, the special effects were decent. Not great, but good enough to not be distracting, and this was really the key that made the movie watchable, since there were plenty of giant insects attacking people. The actors weren't bad, though largely forgettable, save for Ray Wise, who played the Devil in Reaper and amusingly hams it up here as the pooch-loving, ex-military father of the hero.

I didn't much care for the characters apart from Wise's, but the movie kept the action going at a good pace anyway and there weren't too many scenes where I got bored.
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