I Walk Alone (1947)
Overall, a good film but it has a few bone-headed moments
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"I Walk Alone" is an irritating film because it's really, really good. However, at times, there are a few bone-headed moments that just made the script look a bit rough. It's a shame, as with a few minor changes, this one easily could have earned an 8 or possibly a 9.

After 15 years in prison, Frankie (Burt Lancaster) is released and he beats a path to the nightclub run by Noll (Kirk Douglas). It seems that when Lancaster was caught by the police, he could have implicated Noll as well but kept his mouth shut. And, the two had a deal that when the other got out of prison, they'd split everything 50-50. However, despite having a very successful club and lots of dough, Noll isn't about to give half of his fortune to Frankie--no matter what they agreed to. There's quite a bit more to the film than this--including a third guy, Dave (Wendell Corey) whose loyalties seem all over the place as well as a dame (there's always a dame...played by Lizbeth Scott).

There's a lot to like in the film--particularly the acting. In addition, the camera-work is great as is the beating scene (it's amazingly brutal and realistic--though it could have used a bit more blood). The street scenes late in the film had a great use of shadows--a film noir trademark. However, despite a decent script idea, a few times it really let down the audience. One major mistake was having Dave announce to Noll that he's going to do the right thing and he is going to cross Dave. Now we have already seen that Noll is bad...very, very bad. So, why would Dave be dumb enough to announce his intentions to Noll?! Of COURSE Noll is going to have Dave killed...that's what bad people do when you threaten them!!!! Duh... Also, at the end, Noll asks the cops to let him have a farewell as they're taking him in--and they let him go behind the bar and grab his gun!!! Isn't he a suspect in murder?! So, why let him have a chance to do anything like this?! Cops can't be that dumb!
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