Bedside Manor
3 November 2011
Disguised to avoid fortune-hunting bachelors, beautiful American "scrub-brush" heiress Constance Talmadge (as Dorothy Adams) arrives in Southampton, England for a relaxing holiday. She is traveling with concerned father Albert Gran (as Samuel G. Adams), who is worth ten million dollars. Upon arrival, Ms. Talmadge meets handsome but penniless nobleman Ronald Colman (as Paul Menford). They are mutually attracted, but go separate ways...

No matter, the writers give them more than one way to get together. Most amusing is when Mr. Coleman is mistaken for "Dr. Paul Scott" and invited to examine Talmadge, who is no more than a nervous hypochondriac. Without a stethoscope, Coleman listens to Talmadge's heart with his ear. Visits from Coleman make Talmadge feel like a new woman...

The main storyline involves Colman secretly selling his last asset "Menford Manor" to Talmadge as part of a plot arranged by agent Jean Hersholt (as Joseph "Joe" Diamond). A cute scene involves an inebriated Coleman trying to hang his hat on a shadow and director Sidney Franklin makes a sexual point with the stars' footwear (watch Colman's shoe land between Talmadge's heels). The love and money deception plot follows a familiar path...

****** Her Night of Romance (10/27/24) Sidney Franklin ~ Constance Talmadge, Ronald Colman, Albert Gran, Jean Hersholt
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