Another successful entry into a very creepy and well-made horror series
24 October 2011
I was a big fan of the original PA. I loved it. On rewatches its effect has lessened, but I still remember the impact it had on me. The sequel I liked it a lot too, although it wasn't as creepy as the first I liked that it didn't over-do things like most horror sequels do. It worked in different ways than he original. Paranormal Activity 3 is more like the original than the sequel was.

Like the sequel, I am impressed how much this series still has going for it. Like the sequel it also doesn't overdo things but it does manage to still build up nicely. I wouldn't say that this is a great film, but I do want to say that it continues the success of this series. I like how they continue to build on the main story.

So I do recommend it for fans of the first two... maybe even if you liked the first but not the 2nd. I actually still kinda prefer the 2nd over this for now.
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