The Galaxy Invader (1985 Video)
Hicktown Collectively Swallows An Inter-Galactic Laxative
19 September 2011

So - What's red, white, and green, and is (definitely) pure crap from start to finish? Why, it's this blasted, z-grade movie, of course, with its "red"-necks, its "white"-trash, and its "green" man from Mars (!?). And, yes, don't forget, its pathetically crappy storyline and its god-awful production values, as well.

What more can I say?

From this viewer's point of view, The Galaxy Invader was yet another prime contender desperately crying out to be recognized as "The Best/Worst Movie Of All Time". It really was.

Why is it that so many movies of such an inferior caliber as this one always seem to fit into either the genre of Horror or Sci-Fi? I mean, these 2 genres have been so saturated by rubbish of this sort for so long that it has almost become the expected norm.

Every single character in this film was completely one-dimensional and as utterly despicable as you could possibly imagine. (Yep. Even the children). These contemptible jerks (one, and all) were forever saying the most idiotic things to each other, non-stop. Believe me, it was enough to make one sick to their stomach in no time flat.

Thank goodness that the "Galaxy Invader", himself, never uttered a word. With the way that the other characters (with their decidedly Neanderthal mentality) regarded him in this film, he was, in reality, just a token symbol, quite obviously representing every ethnic minority (Black, Arab, Indian, etc.), all conveniently wrapped up into one lump of outer-space slime.

And naturally this "alien's" sole purpose for being in this situation as the hunted one was to allow the humans the opportunity to vent out their hatred on him in just the same way as they would treat anything that they so blindly chose not to understand, and, yet, at the same time, greedily wished to exploit for monetary gain.

Trust me when I say - Don't waste your time with this rubbish. It isn't even the least bit entertaining, or funny, or whatever.
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