Review of Angry Boys

Angry Boys (2011)
A Huge Letdown
28 July 2011
It is no surprise to see this show bleed so many viewers so quickly and make so many 'Disappointment of 2011' lists here in Australia. It looked to be one of the year's most anticipated TV releases, and many of us hoped for something of the brilliance of Summer Heights High. Were we wrong! One wonders why even those few left watching bother. Apart from a forlorn hope that the show will capture some of Chris' past brilliance, I cannot think why anyone would be. The main problem is that the show just isn't funny. There is so little unforced irony, parody or satire:it is just plain dull. Chris has recycled his characters so often by now that all one sees are echoes of the really great characters of his past like Jonah and Mr Gee. It's like a very low quality retread of his quality work. and actually plain embarrassing to watch. Many have commented on the bucket-loads of offensive 'jokes' Chris seems to think will shock his dwindling audience into laughing, but this seems a lot like desperation by now. Whilst most artists seem to have a Prime, it is sad to think that Chis may have past his already. Let's hope not. Better luck next time, mate!
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