Men of a Certain Age (2009–2011)
Men of a Certain Age
2 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The media blurb for this show is three college friends, now adults remain close as they work through the trials of life. Yawn, right? Wrong! This show is much more than the standard shallow melodrama we see so often during Prime Time.

The journey of men who happen to, in odd circumstance, be friends. All in their mid to late forties, each character's plot line meshes with the others in sort of dense soup one experiences in real life.

Terry, portrayed by Scott Bakula, is a 'think I could' have a career B movie actor. He is handsome, charming, flirtatious and egocentric.

Andre Braugher is Owen, family man, good guy, and bread winner. The twist with Owen lay in his job as a car sales man at his father's dealership. Owen wants to be his father's son. Owen's father wants his son to be someone else.

Joe is portrayed by funny man Ray Ramono. After his wife tells him that she needs to 'move on' Joe's painful transition from married to divorce includes a gambling addiction, re-introduction to the singles world and life without his kids.

In truth this is probably one of the most brilliantly painful shows to watch next to the former ER. The three main characters have a unique depth rarely seen or accurately portrayed outside the commercial cinema. Plots and dialog are sharp, quick witted and realistic giving the backdrop of almost reality television.

The three characters while each unique all face the same questions. Where is life going? Have I made the right decisions? What am I leaving behind? What have I given up? The life truth everyone of us faces is written and portray in the actions of these three ordinary men.

The subtle yet realistic barriers these men face are a wonderful strong example of amazing writing. When you watch a character stumble, and you wince, a connection has been made. It tugs, pulls and in turn challenges you to think about your own life in the context. Surprising performances by all three actors warrants an Emmy nod at the very least. If you have not given this show a shot, I highly recommend it.

Amy Romine BellaOnline's Prime Time TV Editor
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