Sucker Punch (2011)
With everything turned up to 11, you kind of wished the delivery of the concept was the same way
25 March 2011
What's not to say about director Zach Snyder? So far, he hasn't missed. He pulled off the impossible by remaking a classic horror flick. He revolutionized the film industry with his amazing slo-mo techniques and incredible set designs in "300". And he helped recreate one of the greatest graphic novels of all time on film. Whats left you ask? How about an idea of his own? Sure he has the ability to glorify someone else's....but can his own concept match his eye.

Well one things for sure, this certainly has the look of a Zach Snyder picture. By that of course i mean the action, which is next to flawless. You have your amazing slo-mo fighting sequences with hot baby doll ninja's and dragons and robots and nazi's any living man's virtual dream world. Combine that with beautiful set designs, pitch perfect sound mixing, absolutely amazing visual effects and an epic musical score that will rock the brain out of your's almost too much to handle. You literally leave each action sequence as if you just got off a roller coaster.

But Mr. Snyder has done all the action before, we all know it was going to be fantastic. What about the story? Well.....the overall concept really is great. The way they attack it is good.......but that's the thing, with everything running at full throttle, you kind of want the story to be right there with it. It's almost as if they knew they had a great concept, but decided to focus on the action sequences with more precision.

You can also tell that they didn't pour that much heart into developing the story because aside from all the leading ladies being mouth watering, they all seemed at tad flat. There wasn't much depth to any of them, other than the fact that they are all locked in a mental facility and they can kick major ass with awesome weapons.

Bottom the eyes and ears, the movie really is something to marvel at. It is beyond stunning, a visual wonder. The story is good, but the delivery is not on par with it. It's not an overall disappointment. I thought it was pretty good. But, if you are like me, and you eat your eggs with salt, here's a quick comparison. Imagine you have your eggs for breakfast, but there is no salt. No salt, that's okay, i'll still eat em', they're really good.....but, they would have tasted a lot better if it had salt. Same thing with Sucker Punch.
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