This decades "FULL METAL JACKET"!
23 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"STILL THE DRUMS" - I almost didn't buy this movie, but I am SO glad that I did. This has to be the best M.I.A. movie ever made. It was not at all what I expected. You have to put it into perspective, that it's a little indy and not a big budget action film. The time taken with the acting was what pulled me in. I've never seen any of these actors and that made it even better for this story. I felt like I was eaves dropping on a very private meeting between real people. Who are these actors? The acting was soooo good! The writing is excellent and the story truly surprised me when it got going. The story slowly pulled me in and then wham! It grabs you. Real edge of your seat kind of stuff going on. I don't want to reveal anything so I don't spoil it for anyone, but all I can say is, this is a great film and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone that likes great acting and a great story. Oh yeah, I really liked the music too. I saw on the movie's website for the film that they are donating back to veteran's charities. Pretty good. I like that a lot. I give "STILL THE DRUMS" a 10 out of 10.
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