Off the Map (2011)
It's All About What You Like? You decide.
6 February 2011
First of all, let us discuss the sexual orientation, use of profane language, gore, and an overall review.

Sexual Orientation - The sexual innuendo consists of groping, kissing, closed doors, noises, etc - you name it. Anything you would expect to witness on cable TV in today's world. There isn't much sex in it compared to shows which need sexuality to get ratings, period. Sex seems to be on the down-low at the moment, but I have come to find that as a show progresses into one season after another it tends to get worse, as time has proved to provide as well. There are many sexual references though. That, you can count on.

Use of Profane Language - There is a typical amount of cursing in this show. Of course, saying the F word isn't allowed on today's networks, but normal curse words are used in typical communication. I think I'm so used to what I would call, "the norm" that cursing seems to fly right past without notice or second glance. Sad, but true. There is cursing, and that's all one needs to know.

Gore - If you don't like seeing blood, or "prop" blood, I suggest you don't watch this show. It does get very bloody. I don't even want to explain what I saw on last weeks episode. I don't think I have seen one doctor show that is as open with injuries, etc, as "Off the Map" is and can be. Let's just say that if seeing a drop of blood makes you nauceous, you're going to be in the bathroom for a while.

My Overall Review - Okay, for starters the characters seem to be very stiff and have a rudeness about them. Could it be a disregard for others that I'm sensing? I don't know. I like this show, because it is unique. I can't recall many shows which possess the same qualities as this does. Fighting to survive and take care of yourself and others while in the jungle with no luxury? I like that. I'm a big "LOST" fan, and since that has ended I have to take what I can get and the show that seems to at least reach some height is "Off the Map" so far, although it in no way compares or reaches the "LOST" potential. Like I said, the characters are snobs and for that I might just be done with this show, but overall, I have no intentions of giving up on it just yet.

You decide.
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