Poorly planned, overly omissive biography
5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This TV bio is often a word for word reading of Diana's own biography book. The actors take their places and put the machinery through. A tall, thin gent is miscast as Rod Steiger and neither the older or younger actress look very much like Diana Dors. Her battle with cancer during the last years of her life took backstage to a tabloid account of her marriage to Alan Lake: his brawls, his alcoholism and his tremendous love for her. It's just sad that reaction to her death only focused on him when an entire nation of Brits was cheering for Diana to win her battle with cancer once more after surviving her first infection. The film makers must've run out of money for at least a funeral scene or an outpouring of grief from others who knew and loved her. Instead five minutes goes to see Lake strip down to bikini shorts, burn his clothes and later shoot himself while a rerun of Diana's plays on the TV (not even a real picture of her there, either) It was unworthy of her, the most beautiful woman that ever lived or close to it.
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