Infestation (2005 Video)
It insults you, but does so with a smile
22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm almost tempted to call this the worst film I've ever watched. But I won't. Infestation is certainly feeding from the bottom of the barrel, but for reasons I can't explain it clings to me like a malnourished puppy and I can't bring myself to hate it.

Casting is hit-and-miss. There are some reasonable performances to be found, the soldiers do quite well to come across as intended. As a comedy lead Ross Evison (Loki) does very well. Should 'a thrilling mix of science fiction, action and horror' have a comedy hero? Evidently so.

Try to think of Infestation as a very poor (penniless) man's Evil Dead. Don't take it seriously. Appreciate it as a C-movie. Don't be surprised at the wobbly floating aeroplane. Nod along with the awkward dialogue. Allow yourself a laugh at the explosions that someone has quickly drawn with an airbrush tool on an outdated graphics program. Lose yourself wondering where the sides of the CGI buildings went during the flying car chase at the start. And when the end comes, try not to dwell too much on that agonising closing scene.

Don't go out of your way to see it, but if a televised showing finds you on a cold evening, don't necessarily cast it away.
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