Went straight to TV, bypassed DVD - that's how bad it is!
6 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst Christmas movies I've seen. Starts off OK and then meanders off into a lame, hackneyed and unwatchable mess. It's a good premise too, Santa's daughter supposedly, gets a job working for a *yawn* scrooge like boss who hates Christmas, (Lochlyn Munroe what are you doing in this drivel?) but meets a put upon postman who, yep, falls for her. The 'girlfriend' who tries making the new girl welcome ends up being a drain on the nerves and her attempts at being feisty and 'with it' miss the mark completely, it's a very bad parody of Christmas and that's putting it mildly, yet it's meant to be a 'romantic comedy' - shame they couldn't get actors who played the roles better. I was really disappointed and it's an hour and half of my life that I won't get back again.

The write up made it sound like one of the newer Christmas movies that would be good, but the fact that it was made in 2010, didn't even get to DVD but came right on into TV says a few words about how bad this is. This is also available via Amazon's video-on-demand service but really, don't waste your money or your time on it. There are better Christmas movies out there.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas movies and I do like to watch them but I have to admit to giving up on this one, it is truly dire.
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