A jumpy 90 minutes?
30 November 2010
Though it is set to be a low budget film, it had high expectations if it was to out-do the first Paranormal Activity. So just how hard was it to out-do the biggest physiological horror film to ever exist. I think Paranormal Activity 2 just proves how hard it really was because the sequel was some what disappointing. My first advice would be don't watch this until you watch the first one and after you do watch the first one...Don't sleep alone!

What was most disappointing about this sequel is that the scare factor had decreased, there is no physiological effect, nothing to make you sleep with one eye open, after watching the first one i couldn't sleep for 4 months and I'm sure neither could everyone else in the cinema, the difference? During Paranormal Activity 2, most of the audience could'nt stop laughing, not at the movie, but the humour content? Bring in a new director the pressures on, Todd Williams could not exceed Oren Peli's 'paranormal' horror. I believe the director tried to hard to make paranormal 2, they forgot about the physiology behind the paranormal saga and just left it to a jumpy, banging, clashing film (just like any other typical horror movie) Had he kept in mind that the whole point of Paranormal Activity was too make another outstanding sequel that will leave people sleep less and jumping up at night at every little noise they hear. They completely lost the plot and went for a jumpy, sudden noises type of movie. It got consistent, boring and started to look like a cheaper version of the first one.

However with that being said, it was mildly entertaining. It kept me awake and the plot was fresh and well written (unfortuanly the movie wasn't) more characters were introduced, a family this time which i thought was a really good idea. As much as i hate to admit it, it made me jump throughout the film (note that it wasn't supposed to though)I especially like how they slurred the first one into the storyline that was very unexpected (espeically the ending, woahh!) if you seen the first one you will know what i'm talking about.

My final synopsis will be if you have seen the first one and liked it, then definitely watch this but don't be expecting something outstanding. I wouldn't really advice anyone to avoid it, i couldn't call it a waste of money, more like a missed opportunity. Maybe it's just me my expectations might of been a bit to high. It is entertaining, jumpy and ends with quite a twist. See it at your own pace, with an open mind!
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