Borderlands (2009 Video Game)
21 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Did get a different copy of this game to me? Is there some kind of hidden option on the menu that makes the game better? Is enjoyment factor now a DLC add on? it must be because borderlands is appalling. It is, without a moment's hesitation, the worst FPS I have ever played. The only nice thing I can think to say about this game is that the character models are nice to look at. There's a very interesting style to it that makes it look like an early 2000's independent graphic novel, unfortunately that only serves to highlight the mediocrity of the game.

There were of course obligatory tongue bath reviews when it first came out, more than one mainstream critic saying that it was; "a game for real gamers" or some other propaganda. One of the major things this game has done wrong is tack a single player mode on as an afterthought. There's a whole load of reasons why it's a bad idea to make a game only fun when there are other people to distract you from how mediocre it is.

1) The Numpty Factor

It's bad enough when you get stuck with some numpty with the social grace of a pile of dried monkey poo for the duration of a quick PvP or a capture the flag. Now imagine hearing that waste of DNA screech and whine and berate for up to 2 hours. And don't e-mail me saying 'why don't you just turn your head set off' what's the fugging point in playing multiplayer if you don't interact? By the way if you have never come across a really annoying, thick, rude or obnoxious player it's probably you

2) It eliminates pick up and play.

Instead it becomes pick up, find a server, wait for players, get lagged, rage quit. Your totally reliant on things that you cannot control, like for example if the servers become virtual ghost towns inhabited only by the die-hard freaks who call themselves 'l33t'


It happens, a lot.

The plot, such as it is set on Pandora a once mineral rich planet that has fallen on hard times. Instead of taking the idea of a treasure hunt across a whole planet and making stages feel different, the designers decided to set it all in a filthy desert. The planet has been left by its corporate sponsors and is now only inhabited by a handful Mad Max rejects a Roman Bellic wanna be and around a billion of the same five enemy's (and multi colour beasties.) The only thing this dirt ball has going for it is the legend of something called the vault.

The vault is left deliberately ambiguous at the start of the game so you're not even sure if it exists... for about five minutes until a Guardian Angel appears and tells you it's real. The game is a relentless grind and the big twist at the end? The vault dose exists, but there's a monster in it. You kill the monster and don't get to go inside the vault. That's right the whole thing was a waste of time and who knew that opening a massive box on a planet called Pandora could be a bad thing? Among the games many problems are that it feels like a mmorpg that has just recently suffered a dose of the plague. The place feels dead. What few NPCs there are, are just literally cardboard cut-outs. It's not really helped by the level design considering that Pandora is meant to be a whole planet and that all we know is that the vault is Somewhere on it you'd think that the level designers would have a field day? Well no, it's the same boring dull desert scene again and again. The only USP this game has then is the ridiculously large amount of weapons, seven million to be exact. The difference between the different guns is tiny and hardly noticeable. Seriously do we really need a difference of 1 in the rate of fire? Most of the differences where just for show anyway (the scopes on sniper rifles, the sound of it being fired) nothing that made me feel like I was sitting on a planet that in spite of appearances must be made of guns and old shell casings.

The intro really got my hopes up with quirky hand drawn sketches of the protagonists growing up together and playing at being treasure hunters. For a fleeting moment it looks like there might be some focus on character and maybe some sense that you are, you know playing a role in what is meant to be a role-playing game. Alas not even a irritating little robot could save this one, he acts a bit like your PA constantly reminding of quests that you couldn't be bothered to do at the time and now are so trivial it would be a waste of your time.

With next to no interaction with anyone who doesn't want to repurpose your spine as an umbrella and the same grindiy boring ass quests/enemies/level art again and again this game takes what should have been, for all the sources they borrowed from, a good game. And ruins it

The gun play is functional, but since that's all this game has to offer, id say avoid it like the plague. Some prick in a marketing team have seen how well Word of Warcrak is going and have tried to copy the formula (grinding, more items than is necessary) and failed utterly. There are literally hundreds of games that are better than this drab, bellow average FPS. 4 / 10 And one of those is for Lilith's ass
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