The Reef (2010)
Keep your goggles on!!!
15 November 2010
Three blokes and two sheilas go out to do some snorkeling. Bad thing happens and now they have to make a choice to either swim for land and risk the chance of being shark bait, or wait for safety and risk death by more boring odds. Of course you swim! We all know one of the coolest ways to die is being eaten alive by sharks.

Anywho, Black Water director sticks to what he likes and makes Open Water with a White Pointer...basically. And really, that's all you need to know if you want to see the movie or not. Oh? You want to know if there's boobs and blood as well? There's no boobs, but there's some blood...nothing crazy...just bloody water.

The Reef aka Swim If You Dare aka Great White Snackaroonies aka Open Water with a Bad Script is a film that suffered mostly from having a bad script. I'd be lying to you if I said the film didn't open remarkably close to soft-core porn territory. People seem to confuse themselves when they're privy to minimal dialogue. Just because they're not speaking at a normal rate, doesn't mean it's more effective because of it's simplicity. This film is unique here as the actors did rather well with what they had. They really did. The script was still weak though.

There's lot of nit-picking and complaining to be had here. You'd think by how popular shark week is nowadays, that most people, especially people who are snorkeling in Australian waters, would know a lil bit about how to act when faced with shark problems. I'm not gonna get into it, as it's not Learn Time, but there was a lot of dumb stuff going on. But the thing that got my goat more than anything was our main man's issue with constantly taking off his goggles. Seriously, if there's a shark in the water...a BIG f@cking need to keep an eye out for it. Don't just look for 30 seconds, pop back up and say that you can't see anything. Keep your head down and keep a look out you stupid son of a bitch!!!!!! I'll kill you if you take those goggles off again! I mean it! I'll kill youuuu *gets swallowed whole by huge shark because of pretty boy not wanting to keep goggles on*

With all that said, the movie is about a great white shark making pathetic humans cry and be scared. That's fun. It's very simple. Great Whites are better than human beings. Therefore, movies with Great Whites are better than most movies that don't have Great Whites. Understand? Good!
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