Close Encounters of the Turgid Kind
12 October 2010
Blond pre-teen Hunter Carson (as David Gardner) sees a UFO land in the picturesque hills outside his house one night. Naturally, parents Timothy Bottoms (as George) and Laraine Newman (as Ellen) don't believe him. Then, father Bottoms starts acting weird. Really weird. And, he develops a strange wound on the back of his neck. Puzzled mother Newman sums it up nicely with the line, "George, you're acting very strange." Then, mom starts over-cooking the bacon, and eating raw hamburger meat...

Science teacher Louise Fletcher (as Mrs. McKeltch) plays the part with a frog in her throat.

Wait until you see her croak!

Finally, young Carson finds an ally in unaffected school nurse Karen Black (as Linda Magnusson), who happens to also be his real-life mother. The two team up to fight the titular Invaders. Former young astronomer Jimmy Hunt, who starred as the boy in the original "Invaders from Mars" (1953), has a cool cameo as a police chief. Watch for him early in the running time. Little besides Mr. Hunt seems to have made much progress in the ensuing thirty-plus years.

**** Invaders from Mars (6/6/86) Tobe Hooper ~ Hunter Carson, Karen Black, Louise Fletcher, Timothy Bottoms
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