Piranha 3D (2010)
Piranhas in the house, y'all.
7 October 2010
They took my pen!s.

Well who could be happy under those circumstances. Prehistoric piranhas are released thru a fissure created under the sea after a earthquake or something. I'm not usually keen on a lot of gore but even I recognize well done, entertaining gore when I see it. There was a good party atmosphere in this movie with wanton, beer-driven, music-driven and ultimately "partay" driven young people on spring break. This aspect of the movie could have, I believe, stood on it's own without those mean, toothsome, party crashers butting in. I guess even piranhas know a good party when they see one.

The movie has the same basic premise as most films of this genre of horror, most notably Jaws. The threat in the water occurs during a big event that draws a lot of visitors to the water. There are people who know whats going on before everyone else; and who recognize the potential difficulty of trying to stop a profitable event. The proverbial sh!t has to hit the fan before direct action can be taken. You know the deal.

Along with the gore there is some nudity that maybe I should alert you about in case you neither like gore or nudity, or like both; or like one, but not the other. So an entertaining movie if you're not too squeamish and/or prudish. My favorite character was the guy who said my intro above. He said it more than once too. We all have our priorities. Love, Boloxxxi.
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