Street Thief (2006)
To catch a thief.
20 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As I was reading a message board recently,with people talking about what films they have been watching on DVD.Someone gave a long post about a film that sounded very interesting called Street Thief.When I went looking online for the disc,I,first checked on Amazon UK,whose search results showed that the film was not in the sites database.

I kept searching online and it seemed that there was no where at all that I could get the film from.One day,after having given up finding the film a few weeks ago,I was looking on eBay at the auctions that were about to end.And,I almost jumped out of my seat ,when,I spotted that one person was selling the DVD (with five minutes to go!)I quickly placed my bid.I was thrilled that a few days later,when this incredibly made,gripping film arrived in the post.

The plot:

A documentary film crew are making a film about "profesinal" (though he hates being called that)street thief Kasper Carr.Unlike most street thieves,who mostly do very petty crimes,Kasper always aims big.With breaking into safes being his speciality.The crew follow Kasper as he plans several big robberies,which include robbing one of the main supermarkets and cinema in the area.

Carr tells the makers that he needs time to make sure that his plans go well...As the documentary makers become certain that they are never going to hear from Carr again.They,suddenly get a voice message of Kasper telling telling them that he is offering them to come and film a robbery that he is going to do tonight at a local nightclub.

When they start filming the safe cracking,Kasper seems strangely more nervous than he has ever been before.After the robbery having been successfully done.Kasper tells the film crew that his next plan is to do his biggest ever safe robbery... View on the film:

Two things that stick out to me about finding information about the film,were the surprisings lack of detail about the film online,and-to my complete surprise,the main information that I found out was that the film is completely fictional!!.Also,that the director played the lead character in the film!.

The editing by Nadav Kurtz (who was also one of the producers of the film)makes the fake "documenter" look completely real.With the finale safe-cracking being a complete edge-of-your-seat thriller.Kurtz also shows the changing relationship of Kasper and the film crew.Going from the crew shooting from a far distance,to being right in the thick of it during Carrs biggest robbery.

Due to being in 95% percent of the film (though sadly not in the very surprising ending.)all the focus of the film is on the performance of director Malik Bader as Kasper Carr.Bader,impressively gives a very realistic,natural performance as Kasper.The performance is so convincing,that to me,I genuinely believed that Kasper Carr was in fact a real person.Malik also gives the film a great fast-moving rough-and- ready guerrilla-style documentary look.This includes,having some of the "film makers" wearing hidden microphones when trying to interview people,and the camera rushing and shaking,as the camera man tries to film each heist.

Final view on the film:

A very daring film,with an original screenplay,nail-biting editing and directing,and a truly captivating performance from Bader.
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